The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)

Wednesday July 28. 1982 LOMPOC RECORD (Lompoe. Calif.) B6 IfSJ Is Ifitr I I SonrictH nd Repairs ar'W and body work on cars. Take off 10 pound fasti "Rapid Reduce" doe it safely in 10 days for only $26 96 736-3222. CRAVE CENTER Smoking Wt.

Cont. Compare prices Guaranteed results Santa Maria. 1 922 Lost nd Found 3 CONTACTS July Special Softens SI SO. Per malens I sleep-ins) $190 Includes exam, lenses, initial solutions Dr. Moore.

736-7868, MM ambulatory or ambulatory rooms available in my licensed family home, elderly man or woman Private semi-private rooms for ambulatory residents Newly decorated 24 hour supervision Activities wall balanced home-style meals Heritage Raat Homes. 3705 HHhriew Rd. Santa Maria 937-2360 9am-5pm .1 after 6 p.m. Si Lott tnttqu) ilwr dangling Mir ing. Saturday.

717. outside La Puriatma Church Reward 736- 2i5a Lost In South Grey female eat white flea collar Hani cad 736-3966. Found: mala Samoyad dog. Call 736-6626 to identify Patmeteniec, 160pr Soft contact lenses you wear ad the time. Price doesn't include exam.

Marsh P. Maating 7: 1 6pm. July 29. August 5 1 2 at Sambo s. 936 No.

St. to become an Aloe Vera distributor, tfooaha foaa flrfov Don't be left out join Action Dating, join the funL Louise 922 trucks, anu fiberglass boat. Call SANTO LAWN SERVICE Does yards on monthly bans Clean upa. luawHMno. any kind of handy work.

Free estimates 738 9406. Cement Work Patios, driveways, foundation, covered patios, fra estimates, prompt aarvtoa. 736-6131 DOUGLAS ROOFING For bait price, top quality material professional craftsman Free etimt License No 379926 733-1246. Chuck. BATHTUB REFINISHINC Like new uaa In 24 hours.

Nationwide service Guaranteed 1-668-3769. -PUBLIC NOTICE- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person are do 937-661 1 aw. 42 weekends WB-, I ROOFING Quality security can coat less' Fra ettimatee. Kevin Griggs i 16226 awnlteuyArm-friTBaKaeH aDBSJt jjtt vlj Ar6aVaaHja9aaaajaaa Ceramic tile work, now remodeled Lewis Tile Company. License No.

148818 736-6069 or 736-7611. -PUBLIC NOTICE- FICTITIOUS SUSINiSS NAM! STATBMSMT Tho following psfsont wt do- from all around the world. Both show and obedience-trained dogs will vie for trophies. I DBW JUTdJM. AT lly -BHmiiWB mg DOG SHOW Thousands of persons will be putting on the dog Saturday in Ryon Park when the annual Dog Show will draw animal lovers and their pets BONNIE BLU KENNELS 2324 Sweeney Rd Lompoc.

CA 93436 PHILLIP WILOHAGEN 2324 Sweeney Lompoc. CA 93436 ANNE T. WILOHAGEN 2324 Swaonay Lompoc. CA 93436 Thia buaineea la conducted by Dog show Ryon Park event to draw thousands a limited partnership record ii sVaW bY 1 ocial Security SL Ijrveepstakes Jf" $15F5o1l5 Signed Phillip Anna T. WHdnaoan ing bualnaaa CENTRAL CALIFORNIA SPORTS (CCS) 669 Vela Way.

Lompoc. CA 93436 ROBERT DANIEL HOLD SAMBECK 669 Vela Way. Lompoc CA 93436 MARCY MYRICK HOLD SAMBECK 669 Vela Way. Lompoc. CA 93436 DENNIS BERNARD DeCLARK 1218 Dalmar PATRICIA DeCLARK 1216 Dal Mar This bualnaaa it conducted by individual Signed: Robert D.

Holdsambeck Thia statement wa filed with the county clerk of Same Barbaia County on Jury 2. 1982. I hereby certify that thia copy I a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. HOWARD C. MENZEL County Clerk By OH Ring Deputy jOlvn twty weekly SUNDAYS Thia statement was Med with the county clerk of Santa Barbara County on June 14.

1962. I hereby certify that thia copy is a correct copy of the original statement on Ala in my office HOWARD C. MEN2EL County Clerk By M.M. Kuntzelman Deputy File No. 37702 4T July 14, 21.

26 6i August 4. 1962 -PUBLIC NOTICE- FKTITIOOS SUSINISS NAM! $TAT6M6NT DAILY Today's Winner 476-03-7459 Th) following parson it doing Proof of winning Social Security numbers must be made at the Record's circulation department by 4:00 p.m. the day following publication of the winning number except Friday and Sunday winner will have until the following Monday at 4:00 p.m. ENTER NOW 6 Winning Numbers Weekly Winning numbers published daily in the Record classified I Be sure your Social Security Number is entered at the Record office at 115 North Street. Make entry on 3 5 card.

LOMPOC RECORD THE MUSIC CHAMBERS. STUDIO OF MU8IC 3629 Via Gala, Lompoc. CA 93436 CYNTHIA A CHAMBERS 3629 Via Gala. Lompoc. Calif.

93436 This business ia conducted by an individual: Signed Cynthia A. Chambers This statement wa filed with the county dark of Santo Barbara County on June 21. 1962. I hereby certify that thia copy I a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office HOWARD C. MENZEL County Clark By H.M.

Meeker Deputy File No. 37761 4T July 21. 28, Aug 4 11. 1962 -PUBLIC NOTICE- Highlighted this year by an unusually high number of judges from abroad, the annual All Breed Dog Show and Obedience Trail will be held Saturday starting at 8 a.m. in Ryon Park.

The event will draw judges from as far away as Austrailia, and participants from across the nation, according to Marcia Martin, office manager for the Jack Bradshaw Dog Show Superintendents Co. More than 2,300 dogs will be shown Saturday, Martin said, including a high number of rare Egyp-tion Salukis and RJiodesian Ridgebacks, a dog used for lion-hunting. Martin estimated that more than 3,000 people will attend the event, which will include the judging of a Japanese-owned Kerry Blue Terrier. "American champions are worth a lot of money in Japan," Martin said, adding that the reason people come from across the nation to have their dogs judged is to increase the dog's worth for breeding purposes. Events at the show are scheduled as follows: Ring No.

1 Judge: Del Glodowski, of Wisconsin; Steward: Mr. Freeman Claus. 8 AM Bulldogs; 9 a.m. Pugs, French Bulldogs, Keeshonden; 10:05 a.m. Schipperkes, Tibetan Terriers, Bloodhounds, Longhaired Dachshunds; 11 a.m.

Affen-pinschers, Smooth Dachshunds, Long Coat Chihuahuas, Smooth Coat Chihuahuas, Wirehaired Dachshunds. Ring No. 1 Judge: Mrs. Robert H. Ward, of Calabasas.

1:15 p.m. Miscellaneous Class Pharaoh Hounds, Tibetan Spaniels) Ring No. 2 Judge: Mrs. An-nemarie Moore, of Illinois; Steward: Jack Dough tery 8 a.m. Smooth Fox Terriers; 8:55 a.m.

Airedale Terriers, Welsh Terriers; 9:55 a.m. Scottish Terriers; 10:45 a.m. Wire Fox Terriers, West Highland White Terriers; 12:15 p.m. Miniature Schnauzers. Ring No.

3 Judge: Mrs. Lynette Schelling of Australia; Steward: Mr. Robert Custer 8 a.m. Salukis, Pekingese, Pomeranians Ring No. 4 Judge: Mrs.

Carin Lindhe of Sweden; Steward: Mr. Richard Duff ield 8 a.m. Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Norwegian Elkhounds; 12:30 p.m. Greyhounds Ring No. Judge: Mrs.

Jane Forsyth of Connecticut; Steward: Mrs. Margaret Guenter 8 a.m. Pointers; 9 a.m. Ring No. 12 Judge: Mrs.

James Edward Clark of Maryland; Steward: Mr. Tom Mayfield 8 a.m. Akitas, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers; 9 a.m. St. Bernards, Komondorok, Dandle Dinmont Terriers; 10 a.m.

American Staffordshire Terriers, Mastiffs, Bul-lmastifs; 11 a.m. Pull, Brittany Spaniels; 12:30 p.m. Belgian Malinois, Japanese Chin, Papillons; 1:30 p.m. Maltese, Belgian Ter-vuren Ring No. 13 Judge: Mr.

Edward B. Jenner of Steward: Mrs. Betty Claus 8 a.m. Boston Terriers, Chow Chows; 9 a.m. Lhasa Apsos; 9:55 a.m.

Dalmatians, Bichons Frises; 11 a.m. Toy Manchester Terriers, English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby), Italian Greyhounds; 12:30 p.m. Brussels Griffons, Silky Terriers; 1:15 p.m. 13" Beagles, 15" Beagles Ring No. 14 Judge: Mrs.

Robert T. Tongren of Connecticut; Steward Mr. Malcolm Heston 8 a.m. Whippets; 12:35 p.m. Miniature Pinshchers Ring No.

IS Judge: Mr. Robert Forsyth of Connecticut; Steward: Mr. Carl Guenter 8 a.m. Great Pyrenees; German Shepherd Dogs; 9:15 a.m. Doberman Pinschers Ring No.

15 Judge: Mr. Robert T. Tongren of Connecticut 12: 15 p.m. Scottish Deerhounds, Irish Wolfhounds Ring No. 16 Judge: Mrs.

Michelle Billings of Maryland; Steward: Mr. Don Doltz 8 a.m. Afghan Hounds; 11 a.m. Colored Bull Terrier, White Bull Terriers, Ibizan Hounds; 12:30 p.m. Basenjis Ring No.

17 Judge: Robert Slay of South Carolina; Steward: Mrs. Maxine Custer 8 a.m. Siberian Huskies; 9 a.m. Samoyeds; 9:45 a.m. Bouviers des Flandres; 10:25 a.m.

Great Danes Ring No. 17 Judge Lindwood Nelson of Pennsylvania 12:30 p.m. Old English Sheepdogs Obedience Schedule Chief Obedience Steward: Virgil Radcliffe Ring No. 18 Judge: Mrs. Helene Burd of Reseda 8 a.m.

Utility Class; 10:30 a.m. Novice Class A Ring No. 19 Judge: Mr. Charles Cobb of Los Altos 8 a.m. Novice Class Ring No.

20 Judge: Mrs. Selma W. Ashley of Whittier 8 a.m. Open Class 10:30 a.m. Open Class Vizslas, German Wirehaired Pointers; 10 a.m.

Black co*cker Spaniels; 10:45 a.m. German Shorthaired Pointers; 11:30 a.m. Ascob co*cker Spaniels; 12:45 p.m. Parti Color co*cker Spaniels; 1:30 p.m. Weimaraners Ring No.

6 Judge: William Parkinson of England; Steward: Mrs. Dorothy Williams 8 am. Irish Setters; 9:20 a.m. English Springer Spaniels; 10:20 a.m. Gordon Setters; English co*cker Spaniels; 12:30 p.m.

English Setters Ring No. 7 Judge: Farnandeze Cartwright of Oregon; Steward: Mr. Phil Shimmin 8 a.m. Labrador Retrievers; 9:30 a.m. Golden Retrievers, 10:35 a.m.

Curly-Coated Retrievers, Field Spaniel, Clumber Spaniels, Irish Water Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels; 12:15 p.m. Australian Cattle Dogs, Belgian Sheepdogs, Bernese Mountain Dogs. Newfoundlands. Ring No. 8 Judge: Mr.

William Taylor of Canada; Steward: Mrs. Peggy Hamilton 8 a.m Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Australian Terriers, Border Terriers; 9 a.m. Skye Terriers, Cairn Terriers, Irish Terriers, Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers; 10 a.m. Bedlington Terriers, Standard Manchester Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers; 11 a.m. Lakeland Terriers, Sealyham Terriers, Briards, Yorkshire Terriers; 12:30 p.m.

Standard Schnauzers. Ring No. 9 Judge: Mrs. Delores C. Schmidt of Colorado; Steward: Mr.

Robert Kessler 8 a.m. Alaskan Malamutes; 9 a.m. Rottweilers; 10:10 a.m. Shetland Sheepdogs; 12:30 p.m. Giant Schnauzers; 1:15 p.m.

Rough Collies, Smooth Collies Ring No. 10 Judge: Derek Rayne of Carmel-By-The-Sea; Steward: Mr. Ken Williams 8 a.m. Borzois; 9:20 a.m. Basset Hounds; 10:35 a.m.

Norwich Terriers, Bearded Collies Ring No. 10 Judge: Mrs. L.G. Widdrington of England Noon Shih Tzu Ring No. 11 Judge: Mrs.

Helen T. Wittring, Pacific Palisades; Steward: Mrs. Sue Shimmins 8 a.m. Boxers; 9:40 a.m. Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Pembroke Welsh Corgis Ring No.

11 Judge: Ray Prado of Long Beach 10:40 a.m. Standard Poodles; 11:30 a.m. Toy Poodles, 12:40 p.m. Miniature Poodles; 1:35 p.m. Junior Showmanship Competition, Novice Junior, Novice Senior, Open File No 37848 4T July 14.

21, 28 8 Aug. 4. 1982 -PUBLIC IMOTICE- ORDINANCE NO. 1143(82) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LOMPOC, CAUp*rnIA ADDING SECTION 1.31 TO CHAPTER I OF THE CITY 0006 ESTABLISHING A GENERAL APPEAL PROVISION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LOMPOC DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 -33 it hereby tdded to Chapter 1 ol the City Code to read follows SECTION 1-33 General Appeal Provision a) Except where appeal procedural are otherwise specifically set forth or denied by any rule, regulation, or policy of the City, any person except ng to the denial, suspension, or revocation of permit applied for or held by him pursuant to any of the provision of this Coda, or to any adminiatrative decision mede by any official of the City, It the denial, suspension, or revocation of such permit or the determination Of such administrative decision involve th exercise of administrates discretion or personal judgment exercised pursuant to any of the provisions of this Cod, may appeal in writing to the Council by filing with the City Clerk a written notice of such appeal, tatting forth the specific ground thereof No appeal may be filed unlet such decision to appeal hat been firtt taken up with the City Administrator who may extend the time for filing the appeal No right to appeal to the Council from any administrative decision made by an official of the City pursuant to my of th provl-Sions of any rule, regulation, or policy of the City shall exist when such decision is ministerial and thus doe not involve th exercise of administrative discretion or personal judgment exercised pursuant to any of such provisions, whether the administrative decision involves the denial, suspension, or revocation of permit or any other administrative decision The appeal process provided herein shell not apply to any procedure, civil or criminal. Initiated in a court of competent jurisdicstion to enforce any provision of this Code This appeal process shall not apply to deter mmations on whether or not to hire an employee No rule, regulation, or policy shall deny the right to an appeal if the subject of the appeal involves a vested right.

b) The appellant shall file a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within fifteen (16) days after the receipt of the notice of the administrative decision concerned c) Upon the filing of the notice of appeal in proper form, the City Clerk shall place the matter on the Council agenda for the next regular meeting of the Council. The form of the appeal shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney before it it deemed filed Except in caaaa of emergency when the Council may determine the matter immediately, the Council thaH set the matter tor a hearing at the next available Council maating. following the date of the filing of the notice of appeal with the City Clerk Th City Clerk shall cause a written notice of the hearing to be given to the appellant not let than tan (10) day prior to such hearing, unless such notice is waived in writing by the appellant. d) At th hearing required by ORDINANCE NO. 1142(821 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LOMPOC AMENDING ORDINANCE 604 RELATING TO THE PRESERVATION OF HISTORICAL LANDMARKS The City Council of the City of Lompoc doe hereby ordain a follows SECTION 1.

Ordinance 804 ia amended to read: 1. Authority: This ordinance ia enacted pursuant to the power conferred upon the City by Section 1 1 of Article VII of the California Constitution to adopt and enforce focal regulation not in conflict with general laws. It is further adopted pursuant to the provisions of Section 37361 of the California Government Coda and any amend menu, addition or successors thereto. Section 37361 now read aa follow: "The legislative body may acquire property for the preservation or development of a historical landmark. It may alto acquire property for the development of recreational purposes and facilities in connection therewith.

The legislative body may provide for places, building, structures, work of art. and other objects, having a special character or special historical or aeathetic interest or value, special conditions or regulations for their protection, enhancement, perpetuation or uaa. which may include appropriate end reasonable control of the uaa or appearance of neighboring private property within public view, or both" 2. Purpose The purpose of this ordinance ia to promote the general and economic welfare of the City of Lompoc by preserving and protecting those places, site, building, structures, works of art and other objects having special historical or esthetic character or interest, for the use. education and view of the general public and to remind the citizens of this city and visitors from elsewhere of the historical background of th City of Lompoc Pursuant to this ordinance applications may be filed for designation of such places, sites, buildings, structures, work of art and other object at historical landmarks 3 Advisory Landmark Committee Review and Recommendation.

There it hereby established a Lompoc Advisory Landmark Committee, the number of members of which are to be established by order of the City Council The Advisory Landmark Committee it hereby authorized and directed to review applications received by the City for the designation of placet, sites, buildings, structure, work of art and other onsets within the incorporated limits of the City of Lompoc a having historic, aesthetic or other specisl character or interest and being worthy of consideration tor protection, enhancement or perpetuation at such The Committee shtll act in an advisory capacity only and shall not independently initiate applications The Committee shall also review request and make recommendations to th Planning Commission with regard to matters requiring Planning Commission approval pursuant to subsection 6 of this ordinance Upon receipt of the recommendation of the Committee, the City Clerk shall set a data tor a public hearing and advertia the tame once in a newspaper of general circulation the City of Lompoc at lesst ten (10) day prior to the data set 4 Standards: In recommending and designating any place, tit, building, structure, work of art or other obejet as being of historical, esthetic or other special character or interest and worthy of protection under thia ordinance, the Lompoc Advisory Landmark Committee and the City Council shall be subject to the following express standards: A. The landmark designated shall have historical, esthetic or special character or interest for the general public and not be limited in interest to a special group of persons The designation of such landmark shall not require the expenditure of in unreasonable amount of money to carry out the purposes of this ordinance. The designation of such landmark shall not infringe upon the right of a private owner thereof to make any and all reasonable uses of such landmark which are not in conflict with the purposes of this ordinance 5. Hearing and condition: At the public hearing the City Council shall consider the application based upon the standard in subsection 4 of this ordinance. The City Council may impose any or all of th following conditions upon a designated site in order to carry out the purposes of this ordinance.

A Demolition, removal or destruction, partially or entirely, may be prohibited unless express consent in writing it firtt had and obtained from the City Planning Commission Such consent may impose all reasonable conditions deemed appropriate to accomplish the purposes of this ordinance. 6. No alterations, repairs, additions or change (other than normal maintenance and repair work) shall be made unless and until all plan therefore have firtt bean reviewed by the City Planning Commission end approved or modified, and reasonable conditions imposed tt deemed necessary C. That only certain specified uses may be made, or that certain specified uses shall be prohibited. That no buildings or structures exposed to public view within a specified distance may be placed, erected, moved in.

altered, enlarged or removed (other than normal maintenance and repair work) without approval, with reasonable conditions imposed where deemed necessary, by th Planning Committon, first had and obtained. E. Other reaeoneble requirements, restrictions or conditions to meet special or unique circ*mstances 6. Fund. The Lompoc Advisory Landmark Committee, or other interested persons, may petition the City Council for funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance The City Council may expend all reasonable amounts of money needed to carry" out the purpose of this ordinance or to acquire fee title or such lesser ownership rights or rights of possession or easem*nts a it deem necessary or expedient to carry out the pur- Except for petroleum engineers, college grads find few jobs of this ordinance Other highlights: The highest average offer among four-year degree business specialties was $18,540 for accounting majors.

Marketing majors drew less. Computer science dominated the sciences in numbers of offers. The annual average pay of $22,890. however, was second to physical and earth science specialties. -At the master's level, the number of offers dropped from 10,982 to 8,487.

"Hard hit were engineering graduates and those receiving MBA master's of business administration degrees," the Council said. Average salary offers to women were lower in all cases except in engineering, accounting, chemistry and computer science. "In the fall." Mrs. Kayser said, "many employers were optimistic about the economy and its ability to recover. They planned to hire as many or more college graduates than last year.

"By the middle of the recruiting year, however, plans began to change. The economy had not rebounded and some employers postponed hiring decisions The Council publishes job offer and salary reports in January. March and July. Its monitoring of job offers does not include recruiting by local, state or federal governments. Teaching job offers are also excluded.

NEW YORK UPI) Job offers for new college graduates plunged nearly 18 percent this school year the first drop in six years of "boom times." the College Placement Council says. A boom continued, however, in petroleum engineering. Average salary offers to graduates of four-year programs hit a record $30,468 a year, up 14.3 percent from 1981. Offers to candidates for aU other types of bachelor degrees during the September, 1981. to June, 1962.

period dropped by more than 11,000. Offers numbered 51.290, compared with 62.835 last year, the Council "Salary Survey" for the 1981-82 school year showed. "While it sounds like gloom and doom, the drop may just mark a return to normal after six years of boom times," said Judith Kayser, the council's manager of statistical services. Second-ranked among new graduates from four-year engineering programs were chemical engineers. Job offers carried an annual average pay of $27,072.

up lit percent over last year, the report showed. Average salaries for master's of business administration with technical and non-technical backgrounds were several thousand dollars less than the petroleum engineers' $30,468. Humanities graduates among them English, history and music majors came in last in the paycheck race. Average offers were a little over $15,000 the provisions of Subsection (c) of this Section, the burden of proof shall be on the appellant to show cause, on th grounds set forth in the Notice of Appeal, at to why the appeel shall be granted. The Council mey continue the hearing from time to time, end it findings on th appeal shall be final and conclusive in the matter.

PASSEO AND ADOPTED thia 20th day of July. 1982. by the City Council of the City of Lompoc. California, by the following electronic vote AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS Charlotte Benton. C.

Steven. Jo Valencia. Andrew Salazar. Mayor Tom Green NOES COUNCILMEMBERS None ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS: None Tom Green. Mayor.

City of Lompoc. ATTEST Mmeva Bides. City Clerk IT July 28. 1982 7 Appeals Any interested person may appeel in writing to the City Council from any action of the Planning Commission taken pursuant to this ordinance, filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) days from the data of such action, and the City Council shall sal a public hearing, duly advertised one in a rtewapeper of general circulation in the City of Lompoc at least ten (101 days before the date of such hearing, to consider such appeal, and the City Council may confirm, modify or set aside any or ell such action of th Planning Commission 8. Enforcement Violations of conditions imposed pursuant to this ordinance Shall be misdemeanor PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July.

1962 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Council members Charlotte Benton. Andrew Salazar. EC Stevens Joe Valencia. Mayor Tom Green NOES Coundlmembers None ABSENT: Councilmembers None Tom Green. Mayor City of Lompoc ATTEST Mmeva Blades Clerk City of Lompoc IT July 28 1982.

The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.