The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)

The New Idol LOMPOC RECORD pinions: 7 The columns of the Lompoc Record are open to all expres- Record's aim is to present facts in its news columns and opin-sions of opinion consistent with Rood taste and the laws. The ions in its editorial columns. The Lompoc Record is published by Lompoc Record Publications, a California Corporation, af 115No. Lompoc, California (93436) P.O. Box 578, Tel.

(805) REgent 6-2313. Mrs. Kenneth L. Adam, President Harry J. Crompe, Editor and Vice President Gaylen Jackson, Business Manager and Vice President Member: California Newspaper Publishers Association and United Press International.

Published daily, except Sundays and Christmas Day. J. Donald Adam, Publisher and Secretary Treasurer Keep alert Nearly 14,000 youngsters return to their respective schools of the Lompoc Unified School District today. Ready for the youngsters are the administration and nearly 600 teachers, along with dressed facilities and instructional materials. Our concern today is with the safety of these youngsters on our Lompoc streets.

For many, school is a new experience and the streets and sidewalks away from their home are not. It is hoped that parents have taken the responsibility to instruct their youngsters attending school in proper bicycle rid ing laws, in looking both ways when crossing a street, in not talking to strangers nor accepting rides from strangers, in mapping a route to and from school. As for citizens, it would indeed be well to realize the fact that at certain hours of the morning and afternoon', thousands of youngsters are going to and returning from school. Drive with caution. Keep alert for the youngsters, particularly around the school ground areas.

Let's keep the school year accident free. Bad year for experts Courthouse report by Dick Praul Water need This is somewhat surprising, because the experts informed us in 1964 that the nomination of Barry Goldwater was the last easp of the death-wishing Republican party and marked the end of the two-party system in America. The news just didn't get around, evidently. What all this means, of course, is that 1968 is still the same crazy political year it started out to be last March, when Sen. Eugene McCarthy challenged President Johnson in the New Hampshire primary, and that the two months remaining between now and Election Day is still plenty of time for anything to happen.

Were the election held today, there seems little doubt that, thanks especially to the shameful events in Chicago, the Republicans would sweep in. As for the campaign itself, it would appear for Nixon to be chiefly a matter of committing no more "major blunders," while countering Humphrey's efforts to emerge from the long shadow of President Johnson bearing thetfight of a new vision for America patented in his own home. But stick around. Tilings are only beginning to warm up, and the experts can no more predict the outcome with certitude than anybody else. First, the Republicans in Miami Beach nominated the very man the Democrats prayed they would, a "loser" from way back who everybody claimed could be beaten by any Democrat.

Richard Nixon then proceeded to commit his "first major blunder" by choosing as his running mate an unknown quantity named Spiro Agnew, thereby further insuring his defeat according to the experts, Next, in Chicago, the Democrats turned around and nominated the man the pollsters say now trails too far behind Nixon to catch up. And if Hubert Humphrey's choice of a running mate was not a major blunder, Edmund Muskie's name is not exactly a house-hold word either. Americans are thus going to be treated to the spectacle of two men contesting for the presidency, neither of whom can win. It is apparently going to be a case of the movable object meeting the resistible force. Further, say the experts, the dissension that wracked the Democratic convention marks the end of that party and the end of-the two party system in America, Graphs by Vaughn Proctor School Daze when raised by Fifth District Supervisor Curtis Tunnell, of Santa Maria.

No one else on the board could venture an answer at this time. The county, for one thing, hasn't officially decided to have the water delivered as yet. Its entry into the state water program is for "insurance" purposes only, although there seems little doubt these days that it will put both feet into the plan within the next year or two. The county's participation in the state water plan may be clarified before long. Supervisors plan to sit down soon with San Luis Obispo County officials to discuss cooperative measures whereby a coastal aqueduct can be built to deliver the water into this county.

Another vital meeting that ties in with the Lake Cachuma water supply and the entire county water problem is Time is spinning by, and water needs are increasing in various parts of the county. County supervisors are busy calling for reports which can serve as a guide for future water policy decisions; County Water Consultant Robert M. Edmon-ston is assembling data, and receiving other material from the various water districts and cities in the county. The big question that looms a little bigger every few months now has to do with allotmentsof state water which the County Flood Control and Water Conservation District board will set. Who will get how much of the 57,000 acre feet of Feather River water with the advent of state water in 1980? And when will it be determined? These touchy questions were passed over somewhat in silence the other day Cannel at bay by Ward Cannel Lompoc's most important industry got under way today ending nearly three months hiatus.

Another sex study scheduled for this fall on the Lompoc Project, designed to meet water needs at Vandenberg AFB, and in Lompoc Valley. Meanwhile, however, Goleta County Water District officials are expressing a desire to have the county move in a purposeful direction to help meet the water problems in Goleta Valley. District officials say they are hopeful that progress can be made in resolving the question of water allotment at an early date. "In this way, there will be sufficient lead time to permit the conduct of the negotiations in an atmosphere free of crises," remarked Arthur J. Inerfield, principal engineer with a San Francisco consulting engineer firm being retained by the Goleta County Water District.

There is little doubt that the Goleta County Water District will be making a pitch for a big chunk of the 57,000 acre foot county allotment. Goleta Valley is the fastest growing area in the county. It has been for several years. It now has about 50,000 per- sons, and county planners' projection show another 20,000 by 1975. A new dimension is added to the Goleta Valley problem because of expansion plans at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Should the university add another 10,000 to 15,000 students to the 12,000 of the past year in reaching "saturation" point between 1980 and 1985, then Goleta Valley's water problem will be- giant proportion, it is felt. That is because of the assumption that each new student requires one additional service person at the university. This could' add up to 30,000 new people in the Goleta County Water District solely because of the university, county supervisors were told. Goleta County Water District is now consuming its full entitlement of Cachuma water, plus unused entitlements of other South Coast water districts. In other words, there could be adandy fight around the water hole in coming years unless the coming problems are Worked out before the crisis is upon the county.

I speak of Lompoc Unified School District. It will take $9.3 million to operate the district's 18 schools for more than 14,000 students. Any way you look at it the program is vital both in the dollars it turns out into the economic NEW YORK (NEA) After a four-year absence from the best seller list, Vance Packard is back in print with what his publisher calls "another instance of his incisive, meticulously researched investigations" into modern society. Whether a 535-page dustry and the City of Commerce with virtually no schools to finance and yet with huge industrial and commercial earnings. Great efforts were made this year in Lompoc to produce economies, but the result was insignificant, because of the mandatory nature of most expenses.

Teacher salaries of $4.7 million for example represent about half of the total budget as required by law. There has been some criticism this year of the amount of salary Increase by people who believe that we shouldn't spend more than we are earning, but the path to holding down the amount never clear. Proponents of the budget argue that the district has to pay salaries on a par with other districts In order to retain talented teachers. In terms of finding new financial means, some critics have maintained that the federal and state aid formulas must be changed to reflect the true cost of educating students. Public Law 874 funds, for example are not paying a satisfactory percentage of the cost educating students who are in the Lompoc area because of Vandenberg Air Force Base, the critics contend.

Other critics say the local governments should have the right to tax certain inventories at the base in order to meet expenses incurred by federal-connected personnel. These things have been said many times, but thus far no positive steps have been taken to ameliorate what is surely a problem. It will take action by both the state and federal governments to chart a new course. The need is critical. Lompoc Unified School District has an unbalanced budget this year and the deficit will escalate next year and the year after.

Some experts have said the district in company with many more in California-is heading for financial disaster. This is a sorry theme to take as the schools open their doors to the bright and the hopeful, but we should recognize now that we must take immediate steps to see to it that the doors of schools remain open and that the purpose of schools is as possible in September 1969 as it is today. Moreover, in those days not so long ago, there were only two sexes engaged in the courtship enterprise. Today, through the wonders of science, there are three: Males, Females and Experts. In addition, it used to be that most girls said "No." Or, if they meant "Yes," they said "Maybe." But these days, what with improved communications, it is much more efficient to say "Yes" when you mean "No." All of these transformations, however, are small compared to the change in romance.

In our sparking days, fellows used to set the stage with sugar candy, flowers and poetry. And in some ways they still do, although candy is apt to be a sugar cube, and the flowers come wrapped in cigarette paper. But there is no poetry at all. And for a very simple reason. June moon and love dove are out" of fashion.

But nothing makes a reasonable rhyme with median, average and significant statistical sample. book can be called incisive is hard to say. To our hand it feels more like a blunt instrument. And that, added to the title, gives it all the prerequisites to be a best seller. Packard's new book stream of the community, but also in the education of young people who will take over the reins of society.

The cost is bothering a lot of people and there are rumbles on the horizon that change will have to come. Gov. Reagan has indicated that the state must find new ways of financing schools in order to equalize the amount of money behind each student. At the moment there is a great disparity from one district to another. In the Santa Ynez Valley area for example there is about $75,000 behind each student; in the Lompoc area less than $5,000.

Reagan has Indicated that some plan must be found to equalize the support programs. It will take the understanding of every man, woman and child to work out a program that will do the job. The disparity in the support in the individual districts, however, is not so critical as the spectacle of largely Indus-trial districts such as the City of In- Letters to the Editor Dear Sir: The Girls' Club of Lompoc Valley was able to afford many girls with meaningful, educational and enjoyable activities this past summer. This was made possible through the interest and coopera- From Our 92-Y ear-Old Files Yesteryears WORLD BERRY'S August 12, 1927 J.M. Dimock is one of the successful hunters to return from the Sisquoc country with a buck.

represent Lompoc in the Central Coast Championship swim meet to be held Saturday and Sunday, at Nuss Memorial Pool in San Luis Obispo, it was announced today. August 5, 1954 On hundred of Lompoc's business and professional leaders were on hand last night for the annual Installation dinner meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. Hurley Craig was seated as the new prsident of the booster group, succeeding Ray P. Stalker, and the 15 directors of the organization were A dance was given in Knights of Pythias Hall last evening under the auspices of the order for the benefit of the Mississippi valley flood sufferers. Pioneer Day this year will follow on the heels of the Lompoc Valley fair, the date fixed being Sunday, September 11, the fair closing on Saturday night, the 10th.

Uon of Lompoc area citizens. However, the Club is faced with a serious problem; the lack of a facility. The Board of Directors earnestly solicit the help and assistance of the citizenry locating a building that would enable the continued operation of the Club's program of activities. These activities include cooking, sewing, arts and crafts, knitting, table settings and discussion sessions. On behalf of the Board of Directors I wish to offer our sincere appreciation to Mrs.

Bertha Lawrence, Manager of the Lompoc Valley Bowl, for the use of the nursery room and other accomodations for the summer program. Without these, we could not have conducted the activities. A special thank you is also extended to the Health and Welfare Council and the Lompoc Quota Club for their vital financial assistance, and to the "few" individuals and organizations who donated equipment, supplies and money. On a shoestring we have met some of the needs of local girls. We need, and ask for, the support of our "entire" Lompoc Valley Community in order that we may continue to serve girls in the area.

Information regarding the Girls' Club may be1 obtained by telephoning RE 6-1814 or RE 6-5472. Sincerely, Bob Leedy, President GIRLS' CLUB OF LOMPOC VALLEY STASSEN IN'72 Is called "TheSexual Wilderness." And it runs on for nearly two pounds of surveys, studies and instances of what is sub-titled, "The Contemporary Upheaval in Male-Female Relationships." After four years of study and personal interviews here and abroad, Packard's meticulous research proves what everybody already knows in tedious detail namely that there is a lot more sex around these days. But for some reason beyond our com-prehension, nobody ever seems to tire of reading about it. Quite the contrary. Hardly a day goes by without another meticulously researched, best selling investigation1 into the subject of modern human sex habits.

Why the topic is so continuously interesting we cannot understand. What with only two sexes at work, the possibilities for study are really quite limited. Moreover, after 75 years from Freud to Kinsey to Masters, we would have thought tlje side retired and the game over. But that is not the case at all. You cannot turn around nowadays without finding some inclsiVe researcher making a thorough study of the mating habits of modern Americans as compared say, with the Samoans, or contrasted with the apes and Victorians, or at the very least correlated with air pollution and cholesterol.

The wonder, it seems to us, is not what these surveys, questionnaires, per. sonal interviews and controlled laboratory conditions reveal about people's mating habits. The amazing thing is that people have time left over for anjsex habit at all. And what habits they have appear to be an awful disappointment to them. How this sad change has come about is quite easy to pin-point.

We have only to look back a few decades to our youth to see what has happened. In those days, to begin with, It was plain wrong for a fellow to kiss and tell. But that precept is gone, of with the information explosion. Today's seduction is tomorrow's Ph.D. thesis.

The old post office quarters are being transformed into a barber shop and beauty parlor by W.J. Wright, proprietor of the barber shop higher up on Street. "Everybody knows something good about the Salvation Army." With that statement as their lead-off, a local committee headed by M. R. Puttee launched the annual Salvation Army funds drive here this week.

I mm mm August 15, 1957 Public interest-in the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of St. and Ocean Ave. has brought a request for the State Division of Highways to outline the requirements for traffic signals. Bob Penney, formerly on the faculty of Carpinteria High School has been appointed coordinator of the Work Experience Program for the northern part of the county. Lompoc's utility system can serve a population of 10,000 persons without major expansion of facilities, Manager Emil Scolari reported yesterday.

Lompoc will be the gathering place for the state's leading conservationists next Friday when the local Soil Conservation District celebrates its 10th an-niversary. In the vanguard will be Assemblyman Francis C. Lindsay, vice chairman of the Joint Committee of Soil Conservation who will be the principal speaker at a barbecue dinner to be held in conjunction with the anniversary observance. Rhyme time REASON ENOUGH Never again will I cry over you; I lose my contact lenses when I do. -Eugene McAllister It) IHI NIA.

I. Organization of a Babe Ruth baseball team moved one step closer last night with the election of temporary officers and the appointment of committees. 'There's something very admirable there!" Thirty-three swimmers and divers will.

The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.