The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)

Sept. 2, 1967 2.B UMPOC BECOIID Braulio Baeza Is Jockey, rrr: Leaders May Leagu A -it '-re ft'. Tennis I ft Survival By STEVE SNIDER FOREST HILLS, N.Y. (UPI) The mad scramble for the U. S.

Lawn Tennis titles is turning Into a case of survival of the fittest not necessarily the best. took out three- top stars Seforehey "ever swung "a racquet and a of the -survivors after two days of play including America's best and best have been complaining of aches and pains threaten to rip up the form sheet. John Newcombe, the Wimbledon champ and top-seeded swinger in the powerful Australian delegation, has a pinched nerve in his back which frequently causes pains in his right' leg. Big Newk wasn't exactly- sensational Friday in downing 18-year-old Mike Estep of Dallas, 6-2, 6-2, 4 6, 6-3. Clark Graebner of Beach-wood, phio, seventh-seeded and the leading U.S.

hope, had been nursing a sore arm. He gives it another test today against India's Jaidip Mukerjea. Australia's mechanical man, second seeded Roy 'Emerson, has an aching back and at 31 hasn't been able consistently: to produce the tennis that has kept him at or near the top of the amateur world. Roy gets a stiff workout today against Jim Osborne of Honolulu. Australia's third-seeded Tony Roche, a finalist in the French Broncos In Tomorrow DENVER (UPI) Denver's Broncos, hoping to take a giant step to respectability after being the losingest team In pro football for seven will open the American Football League's regular season here against the Boston Patriots.

Denver began to see daylight ahead when it posted a 3-1 preseason record, Including two startling wins over National Football League opponents Min nesota and Detroit The Patriots again are thinking in terms of an Eastern Division championship after successive late season losses to Denver aid New York last year a a a 4.1 For Opener Days Of "SmilirV Gome True For CMirus Not Tipster "By MILTwVXCKMAN "rrf UPI Sports Writer NEW YORK (UPI)-Braulio Baeza is a jockey, not a tipster. People ask bim whether he figures Buckpasser can take Damascus in Monday's $100,000 added Aqueduct Stakes, the one everybody's calling the Race of the Year, and he merely smiles and remains non-committal. But in his own mind, the pleasant little Panamanian is pretty sure which horse will win. He says Damascus is gooJ verv tood. He says the horse he'll Tider Buckpasser, is better! Baeza's dark brown eyes light up when he talks about Ogden Phipps four-year-old moneymaker and that's what he was doing between mounts in the, jockeys', quarters at Aqueduct' Thursday.

"If Buckpasser is Buckpasser on Monday, it won't make any difference who's in the race. Damascus or anyone else," Baeza said in his softly accented way. "Would you say he's the best horse around?" someone asked the jockey. JNo question about It," he answered immediately. "He's the best horse I've ever been on." "The best ever?" "So far," added Baeza, who has also ridden Dr.

fa*ger and will be up on him again tomorrow In the New Hamp shire Sweepstakes at Rockingham. "Too bad Dr. fa*ger won't be in Monday's race here," a guy suggested. "No." Baeza corrected. "It's good." BROWNS Hoaglin, tackle.

Monte Clark are just adequate," and if anybody gets hurt, goodby, baby. Rating PLUS KICKING They'd like to retire Lou Groza, finalry, for Don co*ckroft But anybody wanna bet? Despite much running," Collins punts 'em far. DEFENSE LINE Enough bodies to give them stability, but the ends, Bill Glass and Paul Wig- gin, aretreachingthe danger stage in terms of age. Inside, there are three strong young bodies Walter Johnson, Jim Kanicki, Frank Parker who can manhandle people. All de pends how Glass, Wiggin hold up.

Rating LINEBACKERS O.K. at the corners with Jim Houston, John Brewer (who made switch Irom tight end successfully). At middle, it finally looks like old-timer Vince Cos-tello's been supplanted, by Dale For future, however, they may look to No. 1 draftee Bob Matheson. Rating-B MINUS SECONDARY is room for a swift kid or two, if coach Blanton Collier can locate such Erich at corner, certainly not getting faster in his 10th season.

Other corner, Mike Howell, is still developing, though, and Ernie Kellerman has pleased at safety. Rating MINUS SUMMARY If, from the pile of bodies, an offensive line man and a defender emerge, the position of the Brawns will be strengthened considerably. They seem to. have the adequate attacking balance to points. And they have "more feel for win-l ning than division rivals.

PRE DICTION First in Century di 1 0 and Italian championships, turned up Friday as a typical example or now suddenly sharp tennis player can break down near the, end of a year long world tour; Tony, a hurt- his left shoulder; playing golf the week arter wmDieatmr ircieared tip He was good enough to win the U. S. doubles with Newcombe last weekend but the shoulder was -so sore at match-time Friday he couldn't swing properly so he defaulted to unseeded Gene Scott of- St. Jams, N.Y. Brail's Maria Bueno and Nancy Richey of San Angelo, r2 in the women's championship last year, with drew because of injuries even before they got to Forest Hills.

Emerson, fourth-seded Nico la. Pilic of Yugoslavia, fifth' seeded Cliff Drysdale of South Atnca ana me sevenui-seeaea Graebner headline the third day's program. Fine, a quick lerty, piays Leslie Buck of Montclair, N.J., and Drysdale, runnerup two years ago, gets Jan Leschley of Denmark. Dick Sikes Has Edge In Carling WOODBRIDGE, Ont. (UPI)-When Arnold Palmer misses a 10-inch putt, as he did in the opening round of the Carling world Golf Championship Fn day, there has to be something weird about the greens.

Undulating greens shaped like a camel's back made the nrst round of this fourth annual $200,000 72-hold golf classic a nightmare for all but seven golfers, who managed to break gir on the difficult 7-0Z4-yard oard of Trade Country Club course. And even they had reservations, especially the first round leader R.H. (Dick) Sikes- and runners-up Gary Player and Lionel Hebert. Sikes, a 27-year-old golf pro from Cleveland, fired a three- under 63 to take a one-stroke lead going into the second round over the South African Player, and Hebert, from Lafayette, La Four players were tied at 70, Randy Glover of Florence, S.C., Lee Trevino of El Paso; Tony Jacklin of England and Chi Chi Rodriguez of Puerto Rico. The most vocal were Palmer and Player as each described the greens as the toughest they had ever on.

Palmer, who shot a four-over Kir 75, tnree putted six greens, needed 38 putts. "These are the toughest greens I have ever putted on anytime, anywhere in- the world," said Palmer. "It Is a combination of things, the conditions, the undulations, the grain. And I'm tired. I have only had one- day-otf -irom competition in the last 12." Palmer came, nent here alter comoetinz in the Westchester Classic until Wednesday.

Player, In also saying the greens were tne tougnest nes ever seen, added, "I'm not being critical when I say the greens are tough. They're not in bad condition. It's lust that they're so tricky. You miss the hole and you're in real trouble." sikes. who carries a one- stroke lead into today's second round, finished Friday with a round that included 15 pars and three birdies.

It was the second successive round for the lean Ohioan in which he pas been able to avoid a bogey hole. By PHIL LEE 7 CLEVELAND- (NEA) There's. a revival meeting scheduled here for the Labor Day weekend (Sept, 2-4), and to get the picture, reach back in the past and vision "Smilin' Jack" and "Blackhawk" or the comics rolled together. Add a touch of Jimmy Doolit tle, JSleniLCurtiss and Roscoe Turner and you've got the Cleveland National Air Races, once a major league event but in abstentia since 1949. Modified World War II fight er planes, mainly F-51s, will buzz the Lake Eriewaterfront, along with some sporting biplane modeis, and attract what the promoters hope will be a crowd of 60,000.

The sales pitch is good old, plain nostalgia. You air racing was a Dig thing in the days when the buffs, perhaps enticed still by novelty For Wby I yea jJu.2:4 "Well, I can't ride them both. Buckpasser and Dr. fa*ger," laughed the jockey. "Not In the same race, anyway.

"Actually you'll be riding both. within a 72-hour period." That's right." he said. -'Dr. fa*ger on Saturday1 and Buck- passer on Monday." "They ii nave ip-run against each other some day, won't they?" "I hope it never comes to said Baeza, who obvious-ly has a warm spot in his heart for -both horses- Willie Shoemaker will ride Damascus Monday and Baeza has an idea how he'll do it. "I figure Shoemaker, will be staying behind me, waiting to see how 111 do," Baeza said.

"That'll be unusual. a guy threw in, "Damascus generally likes to get out there, doesn't het-He won the.Travers in. Saratoga by 22 lengths." "I know he did," said Baeza, "but I've seen Damascus run pretty close to the pace when he had to." (There will be five horses in the Aqueduct Stakes if all go Monday and although virtually everyone regards it a two horse test between Buckpasser and Damascus, there is always thtt chance another horse, like Hirsch Jacobs' outstanding mare, Straight Deal, could sneak home in front Tommy Trotter, racing secre tary and handicapper for the New-York Racing Buckpasser but doesn't rvle out Straight Deal completely- I think bom riders (Baeza and Shoemaker) will be watch-ing each other," he said. "Sometimes in cases like that someone else comes along to steal the race. Anytime Hirsch Jacobs puts a horse in a race, you have to respect that horse.

Jacobs' son. Johnny, a trainer in his own right, is aware of the type competition Straight Deal will be up against but isn't overwhelmed by reputations. He. feels Straight Deal has a chance. you don't run, you never know, he said.

Would it be safe to say, though, that he and his father would be-a-oit- surpnseau straight deal -beat Buckpasser and Damascus? Jacobs mulled over the Question for some. time. VAnytime you beat horses of that caliber," he said finally, "you're bound to be somewhat surprised I guess. Disappointments are terribly hard to take in horse racing. That's why I don't build myself up too much." That's a good Idea anytime.


thru Frl HOUR 4 to 6 P.M. THE ALLEY CAT Under New Management 311 N. 2nd St. Lompoc CENTER see Friends PAST GLORIES of sir raclnrvill be revived In Cleveland, once the mecca for the sport, when the city hosts its first National Air Races since 1949. Memories of daring and danger include Jimmy Doolittle and his Laird Super Sols tlon biplane (upper left) winning the first Bendix transcontinental race in 1931 and the major sweeping across the finish line first (upper right) in the Thompson Trophy race the following year.

At left in a 1934 photo is Col Ros-coe Tomer, daredevil speed record-breaker who captured three straight Thompson races, the last 4 in 1939. Air phies, the last in -1939 1' at a speed. of 282.5 m.p.h., before the war shut things out for several years. v. When they came back In 1946, the racers had a few years of military-developed additional speed and plenty of 1 planes to use.

That year Tex Johnson took a P-39 and flew it an average 373.9 m.p.h,- to win the Thompson race, while Pau Mantz flew a Mustang (before they along' turnpikes) cross-country at 435.5 m.p.h. the Bendix race, which he also won me following two years. But with Korea on the hori zon. national air racing was more-or-less interred for 15 years. Then, in 1964, a gentle man named Bill Stead put up some dough and brought back the biplane as sort of a sports car of the air andenticedaf-fluent types into the skies ovef Reno and Los Angeles.

So they've had practice for the transcontinental portion ol the Cleveland National, the en trants in which are mainly West Coasters such, as Beverly Hills attorney. Bob Guilford an Chuck Lyford, a busineseman from Velleview, Wash. The planes will be modified fighters, mostly F-51s and Navy "Cats." limited only by a weight restriction (21,000 pounds) and a ban on Jets. turbsTuichTock ets. All else is A-okay for.

the $5,000 prize scramble. To keep the nostalgia preva lent, they've imported the "Voice of the Skyways," Bill Sweet, whom Zack Mosley carl ized in i 1 in' Jack" as Bill "Sweet "when Zack adohed his daily panel with nMoo-sub- tle, plugs for upcoming air rac es. Bweet was always the guy with the mike not too far from the bird that caught the buttons popping, off Fat Stuff's shirt. And in case anyone might get bored between the events (py lon races, stunts, squadron formations, a couple of former war aces have been entic ed to perform precision flight maneuvers. Bob Hoover, now manager of customer relations for North American Aviation, L.

A. dm 8kn, will fly an F-51." Hoover flew Spitfires at Sicily and Corsica. 1 Bill Fomof came out of Lou isiana and joined the 84th Naval Fighter Squadron just in lime to see the Big War end. But be was recalled during Korea, and earned 17 citations while flying Panther jets from the carrier Boxer. He'll pilot the F-8-F Bearcat, the last of the plop-driven U.S.

fighter planes. So if sweet (or sweet) ls up to form, or even a notch below Elmer Gantry, the revival should be exciting, at least. The only thing missing will be the chicken to devour loose buttons. Jack Fans By United Preas International National League AB. H.

Pet. Clmnte, Pitt 12H72 85164 .347 Cpda, StL 129 488 79 167 .342 55 1555 .33 71 150 .330 57 140 ,324 96 158 .320 Stub, Hou Alou, Pitt 124 46? 118 455 109 432 126 493 121476 119 393 122 463 130 492 Fid, StL Aaron, Atl Rose, Cin Gjnziz, Phil 76152 60 125 89142 67149 319 318 307 Allen, Phil Davis, NY 303 Santo, Chi- -136 491 19149 ,303 McCrvr, StL 116 408 59 123 ,303 American League G. AB. R. H.

Pet. F.Rbsn, Bal 102 379 70 124 .327 Ystki, Bos 135 486 91 151 .311 Scott, Bos 133 470 66 142 .302 Carew; Min 110 415 55124 .299 Kaline, Det 105 364 76 109 .299 Blair, Bal 121 433 59 127 .296 Frgsl, Cal 123 471 59 137 .291 CglO, Bos 95 34' 59 100 .287 Hsbgr, KC 115 381 44 106.278 Minchr, Cal 121393 67109 .277 Home Runs -National League: Aaron, Braves 33; Wynn, Astros 32; Santo, Cubs and Hart, Giants 27; Cards 24. American League; Yastrzem- ski, Red Sox 35; Killebrew, Twins 34; Howard, Senators 31; Robinson, Orioles 26; Kaline and McAuliffe, Tigers 2. Pitching National League: Hughes, Cards 13-5; McCormick, Giants 18-7; Farrell, Phils 9-4; Jarvis, Braves 134; Veale, Pirates 15-7. American- League: Lonborg, Red Sox 18-6; Merritt, Twins 10- Horlen, White.

Sox 14-6; McGlothlin, Angels 11-5; Santia- go, Red So8-4. CLEVELAND GENERAL COMMENT- The five-man boycott in early training probably left psycholo gical scars on the squad Might have caused physical void, too, with couple of the players gone. Kids aren't coming along fast enough to balance the depletion of old-timers like Galen Fiss, Dick Modzelewski. OFFENSE PASSING They're nursing Frank, Ryan along slowly after arm surgery, and feeling is the old good as new, which means good enough. Meanwhile, Gary Lane or Dick Shiner will fill in.

Rating PLUS RECEIVING Fine first line array of Milt Morin at i end, Gary Collins and Paul Warfield at deep spots. They're all young, too. And Warfield still has a chance to blossom as superstar. They supply all you want -t short, medium, long receptions, good Clifton McNeil's no slouch in sup-' port. Rating-A MINUS RUNNING Same starting ar ray or Leroy Keny, Green.

No great here, but who needs it? Kelly showed he's in the class as al runner. Green an underrated versatile threatAnd power could come from rookie Larry Cohjar or his Notre Dame fel low chum, vet Nick Pietrosante, Rating-B PLUS LINE The main problem ol the offense. It's thin. Strongest area is at guard, where Gene Hickerson, John Wooten wipe em' out. Dick Schafrath steady tackle.

But center Fred SV. Jary Collins and Bible Study I RE. 3-4123 Bra is Major League Linescores By United Press International 4 and danger, came to watch the dashes and crashes. The big races were like the Indy 500. Things, called Lairds, Brows, Whitmans, GeeBees and Chest- ers were put together in idle corners of hangars, and all the stops pulled out, in the name of technical improvement.

Hundreds of thousands cheered Doolittle in September, 1931, as he piloted his small Laird Super Solution biplane to victory in the first Bendix trophy race, from Los Angeles to Cleveland at the amazing speed of 223.03 m.p.h. The major beat six other flyers In that event. Then there were the Pulitzer and Goodyear races of the '20s, and the Thompson Trophy dashes, out of which came perhaps air racing's best-known name daredevil Col. Roscoe Turner. Colonel Turner captured three straight Thompson Tro 5) and McCarver.

LP Von Hoff (0-2). HR-Brock (16th). (21 Innings) San Fran 000 000 000 000 000 000. 001- 1 15 0 Cinci 000 000 000 000 000 000 000- 0 12 Perry, Linzy (17) and Haller; Queen, Abernathy. (10), Notte- bart Lee (19) and Bench.

(6-6). LP-Lee (2-3) American League Bait 010 000 001- 2 10 1 .100 000 000 1 5 1 Richert- (9-13) and Haney, Etchebarren (9); Hunter (11-14) and Roof. Chicago 000 000 020 2 9 1 Boston 430 010 20x-10 13 0 Peters, Wood (3) Jones (6), Wilhelm (8) and Josephson, Hermann' (6)r -Santiago (8-4). LP-Peters (15). HR-Harrel- son (11th).

(12 Innings) Wash OOL 000 000 000- 1 4 0 New York 100 000 000 001- 2-8 3 Ortega, Lines (11) and Casanova; Peterson (6-13) and Gfbbs. LP-Lines (1-4). HR- Hegan (1st). Detroit 002 000 101- 4 7 4 Minn 212 000 OOx- 5 8 1 Sparma, Gladding (3), Aguirre (3), Dobson (5), Marshall (7) and Freehan; Kaat (10-13) arid Izquierdo, Zimmer man (4). LP Sparma (13-8).

HR-Freehan (19th). Cleve 000 010 200- 3 14 2 Calif 002 DOO 002- 41 7.0 McDowell, Williams (9) and Azcue; Simmons, Kelso (5), Rojas (7), Weaver (8), Locke (8) andTaylor. WP Locke (1- 0). LP-McDowell (11-12). National League (First game) New York 100 001 000- 2 7 Chicago- 201 000 32X- 8 12 Fisher, Selma (7) Reniff (8) and Sullivan; Jenkins (17-10) LP-Fisher (9-16).

HRS-Swo- I I 1I.LV e.u I (Second game) New York 020 100 000- 3 6 Chicago 000 000 000 0 5 Cardwell (5-9) and urote; Culp, Mikkelsen (9) and Hund ley LPr-Culp J(8-11) A 020 210 010- 6 10, Atlanta 200 200 000- 4 11 Sutton, Miller (4) and Campa ris, Roseooro C711 x-emasier, Ritchie (4), Rakow (5), Ray mond (7) and Torre. WP Miller (2-7). LP-Rakow (3-1) HRS Bailey (2nd), Davis (3rd) Torre (19th), Ferrara (14th). Phila 000 000 000- 0 3i Pitt 010 010 Olx 3 8 1 Jackson. Farrell (8) and Oliver; Fryman (3-7) and May, LP-L.

Jackson (10-13). Houston 000 000 000- 0 8 3 St. Louis 101 120 00X- 5 9 Von Hoff. Eilers (5), Schneid er (7) and Bateman; Briles (10- mocsea mem out nue Contention. 'C Boston wS field a completely veteran otasive unit featuring tbe sharp throwing of quarter back Babe Parilll: and the receiving of flanker 1 CappelletoV split end Art Graham and tight end Jim Whalen.

Fullback Jim Nance, who last set an AFL season I i a 1 rushing record, makes Boston's ground game among the most feared hr the league. His partner Is running back Larry Denver will counter with the clutch passing of quarterback Steve Tensi, who in the r. Broncos' last two victories over Minnesota and Oakland, set up each touchdown with key completions. Tensi's favorite target In tense situations will be split end Eric -Crabtree. The former Pittsburgh athlete caught just six passes 4n Denver's four pre- season games.

But of five touchdowns In Denver's last two games, Crabtree's catches for long yardage set up four of them. i iO I Am A '7 if 1 1 INDEPENDENT FINANCE CO, Locally Owned and Operated IS MOVING TO. -209 N. STREET IN THE LA. PURISIMA Southern Baotisf Churchts In Lompoc Area Extend This Invitation To You BUSINESS- VILLAGE BAPTIST CHURCH 3625 Rucktr Rd, Minion Hills i.

S.E I ES 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School, all ages 1 1 f00 a.m. Morning Service ..6:00 p.m. Baptist Union 7tl5 p.m. Evening Service We were squeezed for space If you are squeezed for cash, for a friendly lean. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH NottK Third and Pino, Lompoc R.V I a.m., Sunday School, all ages 1 1 iOO a.m.

-Morning Service 6:00 p.m.Baptist Training Union 7i15 p.m. Evening Service 7t30 p.rri. Wed. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study K-- TlmUiaJce, Pettor RE. iou p.m.

wea. prayer Meeting. IN OUR. LOCATION NOW NIW" 'y, tnr. 5rlon CAR! PROVIDED AT ALL, 3 NURSERY HIGH STEPPING trotter Speedy Streak, reigns Icing of the 3-year-olds after .1 I 'it II.

SERVICES times called the Ken'f*cky Derby of harness racing, at Dy-QuoinJII (NEA Telephoto 'V 1 11 I- ViO0i0fl KUI Uaii namDironiary iome-.

The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)
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